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/ The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 2 / The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume II (Data Express)(1993).ISO / cad / pdcadd20.zip

Jump To: Text (16)  |  Other (5)

Text (16)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CALC.MSE Text File 17 289b 1991-10-09
CONFIG.FIL Text File 17 90b 1991-11-11
CROSS.MSE Text File 17 288b 1991-02-05
INSTALL.BAT DOS Batch File 7 96b 1991-11-12
MENU1.CME Text File 42 517b 1991-11-11
MENU2.CME Text File 42 409b 1991-05-23
MENU3.CME Text File 42 417b 1991-11-11
MENU4.CME Text File 42 472b 1991-11-10
MENU5.CME Text File 42 437b 1991-10-25
MENU6.CME Text File 42 360b 1991-05-28
MENU7.CME Text File 42 514b 1991-11-07
MENU8.CME Text File 42 569b 1991-11-07
NAME Text File 5 29b 1991-11-11
README Text File 532 21KB 1991-11-12
TEXT.FNT Text File 1 8KB 1990-03-19
WAIT.MSE Text File 17 288b 1991-10-19

Other Files (5)
PDCDEMO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 328KB 1991-11-12
BARN.DWG Unknown 17KB 1991-09-25
BIRDCAGE.DWG Unknown 37KB 1991-10-22
COLUMBIA.DWG Unknown 29KB 1991-10-19
JACK.DWG Unknown 54KB 1991-09-25